Programs FAQ

FAQ for Programs

How does my program use this service?
You would be subscribing to a database of students’ profiles that include their coursework history, transcripts, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, work/internship history, and personal statement.  As students use this service to upload their profiles, you can contact them with offers of admissions and financial aid, or with invitations to a campus visit.  Thus you may be able to recruit students that otherwise would not apply to your program.
You must first create an account online.  After subscriber credentials are created for your program, we validate the contact person and the information in your order.  After we validate your subscription we send your account credentials by fax or snail mail.  As a security measure against electronic piracy, we do not send account credentials via email.
How much does it cost to use the service?
The default costs to subscribe to ScholarFind databases is $2,500 for graduate programs, and $500 for internship programs.  Under limited circumstances, separate programs at the same institution may share one subscription.  Under no circumstances may programs at different institutions, or even different campuses of a multi-campus university, share a subscription.
What happens after a student completes their profile?
The persons that the student indicated as writers of letters of recommendation are automatically sent an email explaining the service and asking for a letter of recommendation.  This email includes a link where the recommender can upload their letter as a PDF file.  The student is not ever able to see the letters, only whether or not they have arrived.  Once one letter has been uploaded, the student’s profile will be visible to the subscribing graduate or internship programs.
Is the students’ data secure?
Yes.  The students’ data is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulations (FERPA).  This site uses a high-end Transport Socket Layer and a secure server/database configuration.  The site is scanned every day for vulnerabilities, and you can check our security seals on a regular basis.  We take several other steps to maintain data integrity and security.  Though we are not keeping financial or medical data on our servers, we adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rules. This site is also compliant with the IT security provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA), and the Government Information Security Reform Act (GISRA), as well as Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
We validate programs before we distribute account credentials.  Account credentials are transmitted in a way to make it unlikely that they can be electronically pirated.
Does this replace a normal program application?
No.  We make it clear to the students that their profile in this service does not constitute a formal application.  This service just gets their credentials in front of more programs.   And for your program it expands your pool of potential candidates.
We advise the students that if there is a program that they know they want to attend, it is in their best interest submit their formal application as early as they can.
How does this service help?
Worldwide there are thousands of graduate and internship programs.  No student is able to apply to all of these programs, and they are inevitably by-passing programs where they can do perfectly fine.  This service helps by expanding the slate of possibilities for both the students and the programs.